Галерея Origami

Ниже представлены изображения упаковок, созданных нашими клиентами в Origami.

Визуализация выполнена в приложении Boxshot.

Развертка переноски для бутылок, созданная в Origami
Другая упаковка для бутылок, созданная в Origami
Пакет Tetra Pak 'Brik', созданный в Origami

Что Говорят Наши Клиенты

Boxshot and Origami are ones if not the most important tools in my arsenal. It is really difficult to show a client what the end product will look like without having to actually print out and photograph the product itself. With these intuitive and very easy to use tools you can showcase your designs the way they were meant to be, which in turns helps visualize the end product. It sells the concept much faster and of course saves me time and money. On the clients side, I can turn in realistic looking products good enough to do marketing pieces before the product is out of production, it saves them money on product photography which can be very expensive and at the end of the day I get to charge for 3D pieces as separate service as well. A few projects will more than pay for these tools, I don’t see any other way around them.

Josue Torres

Сложная развертка коробки, сложенная в Origami
Картонный диспенсер, сделанный в Origami
Примеры картонных стендов, сделанных в Origami